Heya all. Young Panoz fan here. I learned about them while watching the old LMP 1. I loved the sound of that thing, and how it always performed well, even if it was sometimes outmatched. I didn't see the Esperante a lot in racing although I heard about it. I now watch to see how the Abruzzi will do.
I'm not rich, so I'll probably never own one, but I would like to.
It's my intro thread, but I have a question: why is the Esperante out of production/ development? Why are they racing the Abruzzi I'd it's a limited time, tiny production car? Wouldn't they be better served by continuing with the Esperante and developing it into a GT power?
I'm not rich, so I'll probably never own one, but I would like to.
It's my intro thread, but I have a question: why is the Esperante out of production/ development? Why are they racing the Abruzzi I'd it's a limited time, tiny production car? Wouldn't they be better served by continuing with the Esperante and developing it into a GT power?
